Baby's Nature
A2 milk – Lets go back to the original manuscript
A2 milk-based formula is an excellent option for babies who experience ongoing issues such as excess spit up, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and tummy pain with traditional cow's milk formula.
It is more easily digestible and is closer to human milk proteins than traditional cow's milk formula.
Maltodextrin - An overview of risks, benefits and regulations
Maltodextrin is commonly found in baby formula as a source of carbohydrates, which are essential for providing energy and supporting growth and development in infants.
Its Hip to be HiPP - Over 100 Years of Natural Ingredients
Choosing HiPP's products is not only a choice for the health and well-being of infants but also a conscious choice to support sustainable agriculture and promote a healthier planet for future generations.
Sugar and Carbs in Baby Formula: Understanding the Roles and Controversies
Sugar and carbohydrates play an important role in providing energy to babies. The primary source of energy in baby formula is lactose, a type of sugar found in breast milk. Lactose is a simple carbohydrate that is easily digestible and provides energy to the baby's developing body.
Brain and Eye Development: The Benefits of DHA and ARA in Baby Formula
DHA and ARA are two essential fatty acids that are found in breast milk and play an important role in the growth and development of a baby's brain and eyesight.
What are the differences between EU and US organic standards?
Organic farming techniques and standards have a huge effect on the quality of baby formula. There are many important differences between the organic farming standards established by the European Union (EU) and those established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
When Baby's Poop is Painful - What You Can Do
Sometimes little babies strain, grimace, grunt, even cry when they try to poop. But pooping drama doesn't necessarily mean a baby needs a formula change.
Tips on How to Switch Baby Formulas
Is it possible your little one has tummy issues and needs a different blend? Switching formulas can be a challenge for even the most patient of parents so these easy to manage tips can help you through the process without too much stress or worry.
Why Feeding Your Child Organic Baby Formula Matters
This post share is from the widely respected blog/website The Every Mom and we hope you find some helpful tips to choose the organic formula that's right for your baby.