In this blog we take a deep dive to find the scoop on all things HiPP, including some company history, their commitment to biodynamic farming, and why this is significantly superior to US organic standards, making them a world leader in sustainable farming.

History of the HiPP Company

The HiPP company is a German-based producer of organic baby food and formula that has been in operation since 1899. The company has a long history of commitment to organic and biodynamic farming practices, which provide superior benefits to both the environment and consumers when compared to traditional farming methods.

HiPP was founded by Joseph HiPP, who started out as a confectioner before shifting his focus to the production of baby food. In the early 1900s, HiPP began producing organic baby food using only natural ingredients, a revolutionary idea at the time.

Throughout the 20th century, HiPP continued to innovate in the baby food industry, introducing new products and expanding their reach across Europe. In the 1990s, the company began to focus more on biodynamic farming methods, which they believed offered additional benefits to both the environment and their products.

Today, HiPP is one of the leading producers of organic baby food and formula in Europe, and their products are widely available in many countries around the world.

HiPP's Commitment to Biodynamic Farming

HiPP's commitment to biodynamic farming is a key part of their overall mission to produce high-quality organic baby food and formula that is free from harmful chemicals and additives. Biodynamic farming is a holistic and sustainable approach to agriculture that goes beyond the principles of organic farming.

One of the key tenets of biodynamic farming is the idea that the farm should be viewed as a self-sustaining organism, with all parts of the system working together to promote biodiversity, soil health, and the use of natural resources.

HiPP uses a variety of biodynamic farming methods to achieve these goals, including:

  1. Crop rotation: HiPP uses a crop rotation system that helps to maintain soil health and fertility. This involves planting a variety of crops in a specific order, so that each crop can take advantage of the nutrients and soil conditions left behind by the previous crop.
  2. Composting: HiPP creates its own compost using natural materials like plant waste and animal manure. This compost is then used to enrich the soil and promote plant growth.
  3. Use of natural preparations: HiPP uses natural preparations such as herbal teas, plant extracts, and manure preparations to help promote plant growth and soil health. These preparations are believed to help balance the nutrients in the soil and stimulate the natural processes of the farm ecosystem.
  4. Biodiversity: HiPP promotes biodiversity on its farms by planting a variety of crops and using natural methods to control pests and diseases. This helps to maintain a healthy balance between different species on the farm, which in turn helps to promote overall ecosystem health.

How Biodynamic Farming is Superior to US Organic Standards

While both biodynamic and organic farming methods are focused on sustainable agriculture practices, biodynamic farming is believed to offer additional benefits beyond those of traditional organic farming practices.

  1. Holistic approach: Biodynamic farming takes a more holistic approach to agriculture, viewing the farm as a self-sustaining organism and considering the interrelationships between soil, plants, animals, and the environment. This can lead to greater biodiversity and resilience on the farm.
  2. Natural preparations: Biodynamic farming uses natural preparations like herbal teas, plant extracts, and manure preparations to promote plant growth and soil health. These preparations are not typically used in conventional or organic farming.
  3. Soil health: Biodynamic farming emphasizes soil health as a key factor in


HiPP's long history of commitment to organic and biodynamic farming practices has made them one of the leading producers of organic baby food and formula in Europe. Their use of biodynamic farming methods offers superior benefits to both the environment and consumers when compared to traditional organic farming practices.

By promoting soil health, enhancing biodiversity, and using natural preparations, HiPP is able to produce high-quality organic baby food and formula that is free from harmful chemicals and additives. Ultimately, choosing HiPP's products is not only a choice for the health and well-being of infants but also a conscious choice to support sustainable agriculture and promote a healthier planet for future generations.


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