Smart Baby reading book wearing glasses

How To Raise A Smart Baby

Early experiences, such as interactions with caregivers, exposure to language, and access to stimulating environments, have a profound impact on brain development and future academic success.
February 17, 2024 — Rodney Hyde
Use your scent to help your baby sleep - Grow Organic Baby

Use your scent to help your baby sleep

Having your baby sleep with an item containing mom's scent can offer numerous benefits, providing a sense of comfort, security, and emotional connection
February 07, 2024 — Rodney Hyde
Cues Your Baby Is Hungry - Grow Organic Baby

Cues Your Baby Is Hungry

Understanding and recognizing the early signs of hunger in your baby is crucial for their well-being and your peace of mind.
Trimming Your Baby’s Nails - Grow Organic Baby

Trimming Your Baby’s Nails

A good rule of thumb is if your baby’s nails are long enough to scratch their face and eyes, it's time to cut their nails.
10 Ways to Encourage Crawling - Grow Organic Baby

10 Ways to Encourage Crawling

Use some of these suggestions to help get your baby crawling, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable transition into this crucial phase of motor development.
Overcoming Your Baby's Fear of Strangers - Grow Organic Baby

Overcoming Your Baby's Fear of Strangers

With holiday season upon us, it is likely that your baby will be exposed to the unfamiliar faces of extended family and friends, which may trigger fear. 
How To Manage Baby’s First Cold - Grow Organic Baby

How To Manage Baby’s First Cold

A common cold is usually harmless, however it can make your little one uncomfortable and fussy. Below is our guide to the things you can do to ease the symptoms of a head cold in little babies.
November 08, 2023 — Rodney Hyde
Sleep Tips to Mitigate the Fall Time Change - Grow Organic Baby

Sleep Tips to Mitigate the Fall Time Change

Avoiding disrupted sleep schedules because of the fall time change (when you "fall back" and set the clocks back one hour) can be minimized by following the transition tips
Halloween Tips for a Baby: Making It Spooktacular - Grow Organic Baby

Halloween Tips for a Baby: Making It Spooktacular

Here are some tips for making your baby's first Halloween spooktacular!
Fall Safety Tips For Your Baby - Grow Organic Baby

Fall Safety Tips For Your Baby

As the leaves change and the air becomes crisp and cold, it's time to be mindful of seasonal safety and health concerns. Here are some tips for keeping your baby safe and healthy during the fall season.
Pros and Cons of Pacifier Use - Grow Organic Baby

Pros and Cons of Pacifier Use

In the United States it is estimated that 75-80% of infants use pacifiers. The reason for this high take up rate is because the strong sucking reflex found in newborns has a calming and soothing effect on them.
October 12, 2023 — Rodney Hyde
What Is The Best Temperature For Your Baby’s Bottle? - Grow Organic Baby

What Is The Best Temperature For Your Baby’s Bottle?

Just like Goldilocks, babies have individual temperature preferences for their food and drinks. Understanding these unique tastes and comfort levels are important when it comes to the temperature of their milk or formula.