With the holiday season upon us, it is likely that your baby will be exposed to the unfamiliar faces of extended family and friends, which may trigger fear. This fear of strangers is a common developmental phase in infants and young children, often surfacing around 5-6 months and intensifying between 7-10 months.

It is a natural part of a child's cognitive and emotional development, stemming from their attachment to familiar caregivers. Understanding and addressing this fear is crucial for your child's well-being and your ability to support them through this phase.

Early Signs and Duration

Babies often express fear of strangers through crying, fussing, going quiet, looking fearful, or hiding. The intensity tends to peak between 7-10 months but can persist for varying durations depending on the child's temperament. Many children outgrow this fear by 18 months, while others may require more time and support.

Coping Strategies for Parents

1. Acknowledge and Validate

Ignoring or dismissing a child's fear of strangers can exacerbate the issue. Acknowledge their feelings and reassure them that it's okay to feel uneasy.

2. Physical Comfort

Offer physical comfort by holding your baby’s hand or allowing them to sit on your lap when meeting new people. This provides a sense of security in unfamiliar situations.

3. Gradual Introductions

Start by introducing strangers in the familiar environment of your home. This helps babies feel more comfortable as home is where they feel most secure.

4. Comfort Items

Bring along your child's comfort items, such as toys or blankets, when introducing them to new people. Familiar objects provide a sense of security and reassurance.

5. Stay Calm

Children pick up on their parents' cues. Remaining calm and composed signals to the child that the situation is safe, helping them feel more secure.

Taking It Slowly

1. Patience is Key

Avoid pushing your baby to interact with new people before they are ready. Patience is crucial in allowing your baby to gradually build confidence.

2. Individual Introductions

Introduce new people one at a time to prevent overwhelming your baby. As their confidence grows, gradually introduce them to larger groups.

3. Stay Close

When introducing baby to someone new, stay by their side. This reinforces the idea that you are there and won't leave them with unfamiliar people immediately.

4. Communicate with Older Children

For slightly older children, explain who the new person is and the context, fostering understanding and reducing anxiety.

Meeting New People

1. Continuous Exposure

Regularly expose your child to new people, creating opportunities for them to realize that strangers can be safe and friendly.

2. Positive Role Modeling

Demonstrate a positive attitude towards meeting new people through warm greetings and positive body language. Children often emulate their parents' behavior.

3. Coping Strategies

Teach older children simple coping strategies, such as taking calm breaths together or using a fun ritual to alleviate anxiety.

4. Prioritize Child's Comfort

Don't be overly concerned about the feelings of unfamiliar adults. Prioritize your child's comfort and gradually introduce them at a pace that suits them.


Understanding and addressing a child's fear of strangers is a crucial aspect of parenting. By implementing these strategies, you can support your baby through this developmental phase, ensuring a healthy and confident transition into social interactions.

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