A growth spurt typically only lasts a few days. During these periods your baby's body is growing and developing rapidly, resulting in your baby's nutritional requirements substantially increasing.
Physical activity in young children is associated with improved cognitive development. Early physical activity can lay the foundation for healthy cognitive development in infancy.
According to a survey of more than 1,500 families in the United States, more than 50% of parents believe their babies are speaking their first words by 10 months postpartum (Schneider et al 2015).
Early experiences, such as interactions with caregivers, exposure to language, and access to stimulating environments, have a profound impact on brain development and future academic success.
Having your baby sleep with an item containing mom's scent can offer numerous benefits, providing a sense of comfort, security, and emotional connection
A common cold is usually harmless, however it can make your little one uncomfortable and fussy. Below is our guide to the things you can do to ease the symptoms of a head cold in little babies.
Avoiding disrupted sleep schedules because of the fall time change (when you "fall back" and set the clocks back one hour) can be minimized by following the transition tips